21 Affirmations For Direction


21 Affirmations For Direction:

Close your eyes. Clear your mind of all distractions. Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad. (Repeat x3)

1. Today I surrender my will, my expectations, my disbelief, and any doubt to you Heavenly Father.

2. I trust that you are ordering my steps and guiding my path.

3. I release any feelings of anxiety because I know that I can trust you to bless me with an outcome bigger and better than I could ever imagine or dream.

4. From this day forward, I am confident in my decision making because I seek you first in all things.

5. I trust the timing of my life.

6. I trust the vision I have for my life. It is more and more clear to me day by day.

7. I have clarity on my purpose and calling.

8. I know that I bring something unique to this world.

9. I am here for a reason and a purpose.

10. I trust you Heavenly Father to bless me wherever you call me to be.

11. I know that where I am headed is better than I could have ever dreamed or imagined.

12. I refuse to settle for a life that is less than God’s best for me.

13. I am patient and willing to wait in faith for this next season of my life.

14. I am willing to challenge myself and stretch and grow and leave my comfort zone if that’s what it takes to fulfill my destiny.

15. Any doubt, fear, or anxiety must go.

16. Lord, I trust you to make my next steps so abundantly clear.

17. Moving forward I have complete confidence that I am headed in the right direction.

18. I am blessed and highly favored. 

19. I carry the light of your love wherever I go.
20. I trust the process.
21. The best is yet to come. 

Today’s affirmations target a bit of a source of frustration these days. House hunting you guys 😞 If we had known it could take this long, we would have started a year ago haha

What’s interesting is that this process has revealed all these different parts of myself primarily — the control factor (or the lack there of 😩🙈)

Perhaps today’s title should have been let go, let God, and trust the process. We’ve officially hit that, my way isn’t working point and 9/10 times that’s when I feel like God says, finally!! And steps in to blow me away in a way that only He can.

Until then however, my reality is that we aren’t there yet, so today I needed a reset. I’m walking in faith that He’s either protecting us from something we can’t see, waiting for us to surrender this process to Him, or simply allowing us the opportunity to gain clarity on this vision He’s blessed us with (or maybe even all of the above).

I’m not sure what breakthrough you’re believing for today, but sometimes, the best thing to do is disconnect, take a step back, and ask for direction. Xoxo -Chels 💋

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