Affirmations to Attract the One


Affirmations to Attract the One:

Of all the affirmations I’ve written, this is the one I’ve been most hesitant to share. It’s in my book, but I’ve gone back and forth about how to present it here.

Then @charlotteabetts from @pintsizefaith reaches out asking me to share our love story, more specifically, how I navigated my time of singleness and if I had any affirmations I could share. Her timing couldn’t have been better.

For starters, we all know that there isn’t a magic spell for finding the right person or falling in love.

What I do know from my experience is that our mindset is everything, especially when we’re single.

The enemy plays tricks on us by feeding us thoughts, ideas, and perceptions of ourselves that are inconsistent with the fullness of everything that God has for us and sees in us, and sometimes, we get in a rut and start asking what if’s.

Just like we have to hype ourselves about believing for the best for our families, our careers, and whatever else, we have to combat those negative thoughts that try to creep in and tell us a number of different reasons why we’re (still?) single.

There are a million and one different reasons why God says not yet, but we know that delayed doesn’t mean denied.

The first shift in my mindset was believing that God knows the desires of our hearts. I had a blind faith that my future husband would be nothing short of amazing (*And I still got blown away with my sweet bebé, you go God ☺️ Showin’ out 😝)

The second was seeing singleness as a blessing. I’ll never forget someone telling me, enjoy this time. Make the most out of it. It will be the last time you are able to do whatever you want without taking another person into consideration. Take it, run with it, and enjoy it to the fullest.

Love is one of the most special and unique occurrences we experience in a lifetime, but being single is also a wonderful opportunity to fully explore who we are, who we want to be, and what we DO NOT want. It’s all information to help us filter and refine the vision we have for our lives.

Whether you’ve been in love before or you’re still waiting for that special day, there’s no shame in recognizing the desire to have a partner to do life with. 

Thank you Charlotte for giving me the boost I needed to share this one ☺️ And y’all be sure to check out her awesome brand Pint Size Faith!

Meeting someone is not always easy, so it is especially important to keep the faith and speak life into the love you’ve always dreamed of. Yes, it’s important to be flexible and open to whoever God has for us, but I would suggest that it’s just as important to be whole, healed, and clear on the vision of our lives as individuals before adding another person into the mix.

If we don’t stand for something, we fall for anything. If you’re single, embrace this time. Dream big. Be specific. Be open. Have faith. And prepare your heart and mind to say, yes!

Change comes when our vibration matches our beliefs, so it’s time to get the two on the same page!

Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad. Envision the love you’ve always of. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What are the sounds you hear? What surrounds you? What does the day to day look like? How do you two speak to one another? How do your families interact? Do you two build a family of your own? A business of your own? What makes you happy? What makes them happy? What are the fondest memories you two create?

Stay in this place awhile. Allow your mind to overflow with the most beautiful, true, and authentic version of the love you’re believing for.

Let’s begin.

I am whole

I am healed

I am restored

I am light as a feather

I know my strengths

I know my weaknesses

I know the areas where I need growth


I attract an abundance of good things

I am blessed and highly favored

I am intentional

I use my time wisely

I treat my heart with care

I speak to myself in a loving, thoughtful way

I am beautiful

I am unique

I am one of a kind


My family is well

My dreams are coming true

My career is bubbling over with success

My finances are sound

I am free of debt

I am building a financially stable household

I am building sustainable wealth

I am healthy mentally, physically, spiritually

I attract opportunities that are perfectly matched just for me


I welcome a love so sincere that I won’t ever have to question its intent

I welcome a love so real I feel it with all of my being


My future _______ is loving

My future _______ is kind

My future _______ is patient

My future _______ is faithful

My future _______ and I will be best friends

My future _______  have shared values

My future _______ and I are supportive of each other

My future _______ are making our way towards one another


My love story is beautiful, unique, and one of a kind.

I embrace my journey.

The best is yet to come!

Xoxo -Chels

Want to get my affirmations delivered straight to your inbox? Be sure to subscribe or buy my book new 52 Affirmations To Build A Life You Love to have ‘em all the time 😋 Xoxo -Chels💋

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