Oprah said... #lotn 3.11.16

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Envision your spirituality, your family, your friends, your work, love, everything. You become what you believe. And when that's too daunting of a task, because it can be overwhelming at times, trust me, stop time to reflect on the words poured into you by the ones who love you most. The life they've spoken into you, the gifts they've shared that they see in you, the things they're believing God for you. None of that is happenstance. They see it because you've got it. Continue to surround yourself with the best, and if you don't have them, find them. You never know how God is going to use the people in your life to simply blow you away. Yesterday was one of those super sappy, 😪 thank you Jesus, it's all coming together kind of days. Sometimes you just have to wait, and wait, and wait. Trust the process 🙏🏾❤️ Xoxo -Chels

*This was originally supposed to be a #lotn post, but there's just too much to be thankful for not to share. God is good guys.

#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak