Think Big, This Time With God

 One day I looked around and decided that treating God like and option was no longer an option. I dream big, but I don't always think big and there's a difference. Thinking big attributes to creating applications and strategies to make those dreams a reality, but it's crucial to know that even the best plan or strategy can fall short if its not on His path for us. I know from personal experience that apprehension and lack of clarity can trick you into trying to find contentment in the safe zone. My goals in this season are simple: Seek Him first, trust wholeheartedly in my dreams and vision, and expand my horizon so that I can actually know, identify, and claim what bigger looks like. ✨🙏🏾❤️

May the good become the great for each and everyone one of us 💫 Xoxo -Chels #dreambigger2016

#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak