30 Affirmations For Good Health


30 Affirmations For Good Health:

In this moment, I clear any negative thoughts. Regardless of what I feel I will speak life and blessings into this body of mine. Heavenly Father, please give me the strength to believe the words coming out of my mouth with a spirit of boldness and complete faith that it’s already done.


1. My body is whole.

2. My body is sound.

3. From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet everything is working properly and functioning as it should.

4. Any attack on me physically and/or to my health will not prosper.

5. I am a bearer of love, light, and happiness.

6. I protect the energy around me.

7. I have the discipline to manage the energy I put out.

8. I find joy in even the smallest things.

9. My mind is healthy, strong, and sound.

10. I trust my Heavenly Father to work on the health of my body in ways that only He can.

11. I am getting better day by day mentally, spiritually, and physically.

12. I am in tune with my body.

13. I will not overlook red flags regarding the state of my health.

14. Whether it is mental or physical I commit to putting my health first and I promise myself to get help when I need it.

18. My body is a temple. I commit to being thoughtful with what I put in it. How I treat it. Who I allow to have access to it. And what I allow myself to tell myself.

19. I will live and long and happy life because peace flows through my mind body and soul *If sick/struggling with any health related issues

20. I am healed

21. I will commit to a vision of my life, body, and health that reflects a whole, happy, healthy person

22. The report of the doctor can change

23. In this moment God is reworking me from within

24. I believe that He can work a miracle

25. I trust Him to see me through

26. I am restored and better than ever

27. I commit to a positive mindset

28. I speak life into each and every situation

29. I am who God says I am. I am here for a reason and a purpose. I will trust Him in all things

30. I have a peace that surpasses all understanding


Thanking God from the bottom of my heart that this time next week I’ll be waking up in sunny California con mi gente to kickoff my birthday week and recharge mentally, physically, spiritually 💕 Everything’s better by the sea 🌊💫✨


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