Black Is Beautiful || 32 Affirmations To Celebrate Blackness


I saw a post today that said when you love a black man you pray differently, and it made me think about how that applies to every black loved one in my life -male or female. It’s simply our reality.

I’d also add that loving your blackness and black community is just as important. You can love your black self and not love black people. You can love black people and not love your blackness.

I’d argue that one without the other is such a missed opportunity. It’s the intersection of the two that creates the fullness of the black experience for me -especially here in the US.

 Being black in this country has never been easy, it just gets packaged differently from generation to generation.

Fear creates dissonance with blackness. Colorism creates dissonance with blackness. Classism creates dissonance with blackness. There’s a million different narratives -all valid. But mine is simple. “Say it loud, I’m black, and I’m proud.” 

I feel like there have been so many conversations directed at other group’s role in helping this country heal, and as important as I think those conversations are, what I think is just as important is a declaration to affirm not only our love for our black selves but also our love for black people.

When I was little my mom had a kid’s book for me on this very topic. It was from the 70s, and I loved it so so much. In the book, the kid introduces himself, his siblings, his neighbors, in essence his entire black community, all in a loving endearing way, and it forever shaped the way I saw my blackness and love for black people. 

One day, God willing, Warren and I will start a family, and I’m so looking forward to our kids loving their beautiful little chocolate (or whatever shade haha) selves and playing an active role in being the change we want to see for the black community here and beyond. 

Let’s begin.

  1.  Black is beautiful.

  2.  I love the skin I’m in. 

  3. I love the color my skin. 

  4. I love every kink, coil, and curl on this head of mine. 

  5. I am unique and wonderfully made.

  6.  I appreciate the beauty of my black brothers and sisters. 

  7. I speak life into the future of the black community.

  8.  I celebrate the strength, wisdom, and resilience of black people. 

  9. I seek out opportunities and relationships to uplift and encourage my community, black stories, black companies, and black voices.

  10.  I will not shrink or water myself down to try to make others more comfortable with my blackness. 

  11. I am committed to loving my black brothers and sisters regardless of what they look like, where they are from, or what they do. 

  12. I seek out unity and a collective effort to uplift black people both locally and abroad.

  13. I am worthy of the fullness of the vision I have for my life.

  14. I am not controlled by fear. 

  15. I operate from a place of peace and serenity.  

  16. I hold my head high.

  17. I thrive despite my pain. 

  18. I attract an abundance of all good things.

  19. I am building wealth and a legacy. 

  20. I am blessed to be a blessing. 

  21. I am committed to excellence. 

  22. I am smart. 

  23. I am passionate. 

  24. I am resilient. 

  25. I am successful. 

  26. I am love and light.

  27. I am my ancestors wildest dreams. 

  28. I am fulfilling my purpose and calling.

  29. I am a hope for the future.

  30. I am the manifestation of a thousand prayers.

  31. My story will inspire a generation. 

  32. I am the change I want to see.

 Xoxo -Chels 💋