17 Affirmations To Give Thanks And Kick Start The Day With Gratitude


17 Affirmations To Give Thanks And Kick Start The Day With Gratitude:

Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad.

(Repeat x3)

Close your eyes. Relax your shoulders. Feel the sun shine on your face. Smile. Today’s a new day 💕 A fresh start. Another opportunity to be who you want to be; to build a life you love.

Let’s begin.

1. I have a heart full of gratitude for the simple things, the big moments, and everything in between.

2. I am thankful to see another day

3. I appreciate the opportunity to be my best self, to chase my dreams, and achieve my goals.

4. I am thankful for all little blessings in my life. I choose to see them, appreciate them, and keep them at the forefront of my mind.

5. I do not compare.

6. I stay in my own lane.

7. I celebrate the success of others and wholeheartedly support the good things happening in the lives of my loved ones.

8. I operate from a place of peace, quiet calm, confidence, and thankfulness.

9. I see God moving in my life, opening doors, making a way out of no way, and my cup is overflowing with an abundance of every good thing.

10. I am thankful for the people He has placed in my life.

11. I am thankful for the opportunity to be my authentic self, love on others, and inspire.

12. I am blessed to be a blessing, and I do not take that lightly.

13. This is my season

14. This is my time.

15. I attract what I need to go to the next level in healthy ways.

16. I am thankful for each and every God given opportunity coming my way.

17. I am content with working hard, trusting the process, and believing that the best is yet to come.

I remember this day like it was yesterday. Getting the call from Warren to come down and shoot him at the park across the street from my place in Bed Stuy.

I remember being so excited that I could finally leave my coat behind. It was one of those perfect days where nothing extravagant happened. I just remember the feeling of being content, at peace, and so very thankful.

This time last week was one of the most special times of my life to date, and ironically, the feeling is the same. I’m still floating on cloud nine, and it’s all thanks to you guys.

I can’t thank you enough for the overwhelming response and support from my book announcement. I was speaking with a friend last night and one of the themes of the conversation was gratitude.

Brene Brown has a special on Netflix and one of the things she talks about is that “feeling”.  That feeling when things are going well and you can’t help but brace yourself out of fear that something bad must be on the way.

Her resolve for diffusing that feeling? Gratitude. In practice, the idea is that if we fill our minds with good thoughts, there won’t be room for bad ones. Simple, right? Haha

Because I know it’s easier said than done, my goal for today is specific. Dismiss and replace any thought that tries to displace the countless things I have to be thankful for.

This exercise is important whether we’re on top of the world or going through a tough time. If things are going well it allows us to maintain that energy, and if things are tough, it positions us to fight until we see the good.

Envision your mind as a garden. Love on it. Treat it with care. Get rid of the weeds and watch it blossom. Our thoughts create our world. Let’s commit to making it a beautiful one 🌻🌷🌱🌞

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Xoxo -Chels 💋