Travel Diaries || Kingston, NY
Hey guys!
A while back Warren and I headed north with our friends, Stephen and Nadja, for a weekend trip to Kingston, NY. Traditionally speaking, if you asked me what my ideal weekend away would look like, I’d say a trip to the beach, but that’s a little harder to come by these days, so in an effort to embrace our predominately winter weather life here on the east coast, I am on the hunt to mix things up!
We had no idea what to expect going into the trip, but we knew it was a common getaway for people looking to escape the city. Kingston is a really cute town and surprisingly diverse. Despite me being sick as a dog with the flu and our weekend getting cut short by a winter storm, the irony… haha We had a blast, and I’d totally recommend it to anyone looking to getaway. —PSA: Drive like a grandma. The police have a funny way of targeting drivers up there…
Photo journal, link to our Airbnb, and more about Kingston below. Enjoy!
Xoxo, Chels