31 Affirmations For Stress Relief


31 Affirmations For Stress Relief:

Life ebbs and flows. We go through seasons of good times, seasons of bad times, and maybe my least favorite, the rollercoaster seasons. 

I’ve always wondered if those pockets of time characterized by extreme ups and downs, the “rollercoaster seasons”, are really just a tough season bundled with a more positive outlook on life?

Looking back over the last 10 years I see that sometimes, the good times are given to us freely, a gift, and other times, I’ve had to go out and make them happen. The same can be said for peace. 

My fiancé and I are in one of the most exciting (and intense!) (and stressful 😩) seasons of our lives, so today, I’m targeting stress specifically. 

What do you do when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

Do you have a go-to routine for a healthy way to reset and recharge regardless of when and where you are?

Our answers to these questions are clear indicators of what we can do to help manage the stress in our lives and more importantly channel it positive healthy way. 

My go-to is a combination of prayer, affirmations, meditation, and breathing exercises. A lot of times I have to challenge myself to find a way to not only take charge of the situation, mentally, but remind myself that there’s good stress and bad stress and sometimes even do a “gratitude check” and remind myself that it’s a blessing to even be in position to stress over the things I’m stressed out about in the first place. 

We’re going to start off by clearing our minds and thoughts of anything holding us back from getting centered, or recentered, today. 

Anything that didn’t get done yesterday or needs to get done today can wait for now. 

Any pressing issues or feeling of unease and unrest must subside.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Relax any tension in your jaw, shoulders, and body. Breathe out. Feel any tension melt away. 

In this moment, take captive the two things that you’re most stressed out about. 

Breathe in the good. Envision the best possible outcome for those things. -Beyond your comfort zone. -Beyond what you think is possible. See only the best of the best in this vision of your life.

Breathe out the bad. Envision any roadblock or hindrance simply crumbling and floating away. 

Let’s begin. 

  1. Lord I trust you. I trust you with even the most hidden parts of my life. The most stressful parts of my life. The parts I want to control, the parts where I think I know best, the parts that are tied to anything that’s not of you. I release it all today. 

  2. I am a reflection of you and your infinite glory. Your wisdom. Your clarity. Your peace. 

  3. I am thankful that I’m not on this journey alone. 

  4. I thank you for seeing me, my heart, my desires, my needs, and the areas where I need you most. 

  5. I honor this gift of life with a spirit of humility and a heart of gratitude. 

  6. I operate from a place of compassion and understanding for others. 

  7. I set healthy boundaries to protect the energy around me. 

  8. I make time to focus on my physical, mental, and emotional health. 

  9. Anxiety has no place in my heart or mind. 

  10. I channel stress into positive energy and output.

  11. I trust that I am where I am supposed to be. That God’s timing is perfect, and that I am on the path that’s meant for me. 

  12. Fear and unbelief have no place in my heart or mind.

  13. I believe in the beauty of my dreams. 

  14. I see my breakthrough making its way to me. 

  15. I am here for a reason. I am on this earth to make a difference.

  16. My characteristics are unique and special. I am one of a kind. 

  17. I am committed to excellence and operating in the fullness of my gifts and talents. 

  18. I see the best in myself.

  19. I show myself grace.

  20. I am speak to myself and others in a way that is patient and kind.

  21. I am thoughtful about the relationships I have in my life. 

  22. I use my time wisely and I am disciplined with the energy I put out. 

  23. I surround myself with nothing but God’s best for my life. 

  24. The ____ I’ve been believing for is making its way to me. It’s not a matter of if. It’s already done. 

  25. All things are working together for my good. 

  26. Today is a good day. 

  27. I am blessed and highly favored.

  28. I trust the process. 

  29. I am calmed by an unshakeable spirit of peace and serenity. 

  30. I embrace my journey. 

  31. The best is yet to come. 

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